Case Performa

Homoeopathy is based on individualization so try to give as many details especially, your mental, emotional aspects and your personality as you can. The remedy to be selected will take into consideration all these aspects. Do not hesitate to mention anything however trivial it may sound.

Name :*
Age :*
Sex :*   Male        Female
E-mail :*
Address :
Occupation :

Present Complaints

(Its duration, exact place, how it started, factors which increase or decrease the problems and other related symptoms)

Past History

Major previous diseases and their treatment

Family History

Any history of major diseases in blood related family members

Personal History

Thirst: Thirsty or thirst less
If thirsty, mention quantity and frequency
Sensitivity to Hot and Cold weather:
(Write ‘Comfortable’, ‘Uneasy’ etc.)
Cravings or Aversions: Strong desire or aversion to have salty, sweet, spicy or any other specific craving or aversion like chocolates, fruits, juices, non-vegetarian food.
Smoking/Drinking Alcohol/Tobacco or any other stimulant
Sleep and position during sleep
Dreams: Any specific dreams which come frequently

Mental and emotional aspect

Try to provide information about your basic nature like extrovert or introvert, talkative or quiet, timid or courageous
Also provide prominent positive or negative traits in you like anger, propensity to crying, anxiety, jealousy, secretiveness, suspiciousness, religious, superstitious-ness, sympathy, egoist, sarcasm, obstinacy, timidity
Any prominent fear
Any particular incident which has had an impact on your problem